Masterminds provides a morning kindergarten programme as well as optional afternoon enrichment programmes, with specially tailored classes that address the needs of children up to 6 years old.
Through holistic and multisensory experiences, they gain an in-depth understanding of abstract concepts, building a strong foundation in their lifelong quest to learn.
English Language
Developed by educators with over 28 years of experience in working with pre-school children, our curriculum is tailored to give children the ability to speak, read and write English with confidence.

The Process
We focus on taking children through a systematic learning journey through the use of Montessori language materials, beginning with the first steps of learning and identifying sounds, to blending and reading complex words, sentences and finally books.

Courses Cover
Basic language development
Reading comprehension
Oral practice
Creative writing
Chinese Language
Leaving rote memorisation behind, we aim to engage children with a multimedia, multisensory approach to learning and developing their Chinese language skills.

The Process
Going beyond books, children are engaged in a variety of ways. We incorporate speech and drama, as well as sensory play sessions into our lessons, building up children’s Chinese skills and understanding in a holistic and comprehensive way.

Courses Cover
Oral practice
Creative writing
Hanyu pinyin (for K2 children only)
Reading comprehension
Chinese cultural arts

We aim to give children a strong understanding of fundamental mathematic concepts through the manipulation of materials. This allows them pick up more advanced concepts with ease when they enter primary school.

The Process
Starting with Montessori Mathematic materials as a base, we take children through concepts in a concrete way, giving them clear examples of how Mathematics plays into various aspects of their lives.

Courses Cover
Place value
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division
Money and time
A wide range of other enrichment programmes gives children even more opportunities for hands-on learning, and lets them develop a more holistic worldview.

The Process
Throughouth the year, we offer a range of special programmes for students that span from Science to Art and General Knowledge. In this way, children discover ever more ways to appreciate and understand the world around them.

Courses Cover
Science experiements
Art history and appreciation
General Knowledge (Bilingual courses)